So, I was planning/training in the last 14 weeks for a trail marathon race that took place yesterday. My Expedition was on FW 3.40 with two CIQ apps running: Runscribe Lite and RunPower. I also have 2 Runscribe pods that were connected as such:
- A - through watch sensors: (1) left RS pod as FP and giving pace; (2) left RS pod as power meter to give power
- B - through Runscribe Lite CIQ app, both RS pods connected as usual.
I want to say that I have been using this setup before while training.
I start the race, minute 30, A2 stops sending power, I check sensors in watch to see that I have 'searching' - I had this issue before in previous runs, if it happens is always around 30-40min - other users experienced the same thing (if you check this forum
Later on the race, don't remember exactly when, but after minute 30 and probably before 1 hour my Marq restarts (it happened while I was changing my screen - up or down) - I see logo, than loading maps ! After that it asks me if I want to resume activity so at least I did not loose everything, only the bit while restarting. I check my screens I see that Runscribe Lite has been replaced with Elapsed Time. So could be from RS Lite, but this is definitely the first in all my years on Garmin watches! I replace Elapsed Time with Runscribe Pus (similar with lite) and it works till the end.
So, you could of course understand why I am a 'little' concern here, I was not in the beta anymore and it was a race, I could have lost everything! Well, I wrote a longer message hoping for a solution for these two issues (sensors in searching mode and restarts).