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v11.28 - Dog Widget distance in FEET and Alpha showing distance in YARDS

My instinct Dog Tracker widget mode 3 weeks ago would show the distance in yardage. Then changed to showing in feet and 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 miles etc... my handheld Alpha 100 units are set up to show and broadcast in yards. My instinct only has a units choice for feet. This is very aggravating since Alpha shows distance in yards and Instinct show's distance in feet... Anyone on this forum having same issue?

  • Unfortunately, I am afraid that there are not so many owners of dog trackers following this forum closely, so it may take a while before you get some relevant answer. I suggest reporting it to the Support, and hoping they can fix it soon. In the meantime consider switching to the metric units on both ends - meters are almost the same as yards, so it should work for you well. Imperial units should be banned anyway Stuck out tongue winking eye

  • I have same issue. How do we fix it?

  • We have changed the behavior of the dog widget and distance. The new behavior is the following:

    - The watch will use feet up to 100 feet. It will then switch to yards up to 1000 yards. After 1000 yards, it will switch to miles. 

    This was implemented in software version:

    • 18.54 for the Instinct series
    • 10.10 for the Instinct 2 series
  • It’s still isn’t working on Instinct - release 18.54 (37414ce)

    Any suggestions or expected release date of fix?

  • Double check your Settings > About menu and see if your watch still shows v18.10.

    Your issue will be resolved once you are updated to the v18.54 release. I suspect the update has not arrived on your watch or it has arrived but not been installed. You can receive the update using Garmin Express on your computer.

    Also, check your System > Software Update menu. If your software updates were enabled, check the bottom of the menu to see if the v18.54 update is on your watch but not installed. If the update is in the menu, select it and give permission to install it.

  • Hi Chris:

    Nope — still in feet not yards. from my watch


    unit id 399649319

    Software version 18.54 (37414ce)

    gps 2.70

    ble/ant/sns 1.6

    whr 20.03.32

  • BTW - I did the update thing with Garmin express. It’s an easy way to keep my Alpha(s) and inreach up to date

  • Update after further testing to confirm what has been provided to Product Support:

    - The Instinct will use feet up to 100 feet. It will then switch to yards up to 1000 yards. After 1000 yards, it will switch to miles.