Backcountry Skiing Activity Profile


Can I request Backcountry Skiing to be added to activity lists? Instinct is a very outdoor oriented watch and there are only two options: skiing (downhill) and XC ski (which is totally different than backcountry). Garmin Connect App lets me either of those activities to backcountry skiing and then I also edit my Strava activity, but it would be great to be able to select Backcountry skiing as the activity. I know the same issue has been going around on Fenix 5 forum since Fenix 6 just got this functionality. 

Overall, it would be great to be able to edit/import all activities that are available in Garmin Connect App (there's more than on the watch). I know it's a lot to ask but I'll be happy even just with Backcountry skiing!


  • Thanks for your answer.

    I did a test in our staircase, 6 floors.
    The option "no autolap" was used. I set some manual laps.
    The diagram shows the altitude meters I made, in sum about 20 to 30 meters.
    But the clock didn't record a total altitude, neither is it shown in connect.

    The same test with the profile "mounaineering" recorded the correct total altitude meters.


    Yesterday I tested the ski/backcountry profile outside, first with gps on, afterward with gps off.
    To me it seems that this profile is relying only on GPS recorded tracks and is not using the altimeter to count the altitude difference. In opposite was "Mountaineering" for example does.

  • I have gotten through to this stage as well. When I attempt to convert back from .csv to .fit my command prompt spits out the following, and creates the .fit file:

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: C:\Backcountry_Ski.csv (The system cannot find the file specified)
    Caused by: C:\Backcountry_Ski.csv (The system cannot find the file specified)
    at Method)
    at Source)
    at<init>(Unknown Source)
    at<init>(Unknown Source)
    ... 1 more

    When I put the .fit file into SPORTS folder, then follow your steps of restarting watch the .fit file disappears! any ideas? I have triple checked the file paths etc...

  • Try the file in the attachment. Unzip it, and place the fit file to the folder /GARMIN/Sports/. It may not work on all devices, but you may be lucky

  • Thanks mate! i think I worked it out. I used the '-u' for the .fit -> .csv conversion, but then didn't use it for the .csv -> .fit conversion back. I re-did it and voila, i was able to add both backcountry ski and backcountry snowboard (sport/subsport 13/37 and 14/37 respectively)

    Anyone know if they record any differently?

  • This is amazing, thank you for your work! I'm on a mac, so the little FitSDK thing doesn't work. I've been in my terminal program typing all this out manually. Got the csv back to .fit, uploaded and nothing. Just saw a similar error as 6993164 above, so was about to start digging into the -u property, but decided to give your file a try first. Worked perfectly on Garmin Instinct Solar. Thank you again. And Garmin, shame on you for not making this available through a software update when the Instinct 2 gets it. That's not the way to keep people in your ecosystem. 

  • Hi, this is working also for me, BUT: 

    1. When I record an activity and then synchronize with my connect app, the activity is called with the original sport name (e.g. "Run Chicago")

    2. The icon of the sport on my watch and in the app is the original sport icon (e.g. "Run")

    Unfortunatly I don't have the XC_Ski sport in my watch, I don't know why, so I copied another sport file.

    Please do you know how to change the icon and the name of recorded activity in the .csv file? Or did I something wrong?

  • Hey Giovo, I recommend just using the file that trux uploaded. I tried doing the copy a file and edit, but I couldn't get it to work either. But the file that trux uploaded worked great. 

  • I've been using the Backcountry Ski for a full season with the Instinct 2 and here's my take. Why is there an uphill and downhill mode? I accidentally hit it with my wrist/hand movement and lose valuable tracking (this is an issue with the Instinct vs the Suunto that had a screen lock I had previously in general) but for mountain biking it just understands uphill and downhill. Why not just use the same program and call it something different so it automatically recognizes "hey he gained elevation" or "hey he lost elevation" vs having to key it in myself or accidentally hit it numerous times on accident during a tour.

  • I've read here that Garmin is currently deploying an upgrade for the Fenix 7 where the downhill / uphill is now automatic. Could anyone with a Fenix 7 upload here the new file so that we can test it on our Fenix 5 plus ?

    Added improved Backcountry Ski and Snowboard activities to automatically detect climbs, descents, and transition time.

  • Thank you Trux!  I was having trouble uploading as a 'Backcountry Ski' activity to Connect and Strava; did a factory reset, uploaded your file and all good.