Bad distance measurement when recording hiking

Yesterday I went for a short march and I had activity monitoring turned on as hiking. A colleague has a watch from another company and they showed him a different distance, much longer. I performed two measurements, and on both of them, when I exported gpx and imported it into map data on the Internet, the data differed by several kilometers. The altitude differed minimally in both activities. The watch is updated, I have also set the stride length. For hiking, I have set auto pause at stop, 3d speed and distance is off. GPS is set to GPS + Galileo. I am struck by the big difference between the measured values and the gpx value from my garmin Instinct. For the first activity it is measured 2.74km and according to gpx it is 4.44km, for the second measurement it is measured 13.53km and according to gpx 17.83km - Can you give me some advice on how to improve distance measurement? Thank you

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  • Ahoj, no problém je, že dřív mě moje Garmin Instinct fungovali docela přesně až na nadmořskou výšku ale to se zdá, že bylo aktualizacemi vyřešeno nebo jsem nezaznamenal větší výkyvy v měření. Zde je jedná turistika z ledna kde je právě jeden výkyv v nadmořské výšce ale naměřená vzdálenost trasy a zjištěná délka s v podstatě stejným nastavením jako při turistice tento pátek byla skro téměř totožná s exportem gpx. To, že údaje garmin connect ukazuje o několik kilometrů méně než GPX, který exportuješ ze stejných dat, ze stejné aplikac e mě právě zaráží a to je to co tady řešíme. Dříve se mi tyto výkyvy nestaly.

  • Hi, trux, I tried two small circuits after resetting the watch and setting the mileage in the device. These circuits are basically the same with only small deviations. I changed the automatic pause in the device from stopping to reducing the speed below 2 km / h. For the first circuit I had the step length set -

    for the second activity we turned off the custom step length -

    both activities are basically identical, and you probably don't see a difference in whether the step length is set. The gpx export is fine in both cases. I think it is necessary to try it over longer distances, at least 5 km and more, but unfortunately the working week starts and I do not know when I will get the necessary data.

    In the meantime, thank you for your advice and I will try new measurements as soon as possible, thanks a lot

    as I wrote TeaRacer I also write to you, the problem is that previously my Garmin Instinct worked for me quite accurately up to altitude, but it seems that the updates have been solved or I have not noticed major fluctuations in the measurement. Here is a tourism from January where there is just one fluctuation in altitude but the measured distance of the route and the detected length with essentially the same setting as in tourism this Friday was almost identical to export gpx. The fact that garmin connect data shows a few kilometers less than GPX, which you export from the same data, from the same application just strikes me, and that's what we're dealing with here. These fluctuations did not happen to me before.

  • Jasně, ale ono se to může pak cele vyresetovat, ale tohle asi nebude ten problém.

    Ohledně nadmorské výšky, šlo kdykoliv kalibrovat okamžite a v  novém 7.0 to také jde, ale 5 minut Ti to leze po metru nahoru a neobjeví se rovnou čislo které si zadal. Což delalo když byl prvni SW, takže to tam asi dali znovu, no moc tomu nerozumím, že to tak je, když to skoro rok chodilo s okamžitým zadáním nadmořské výšky. Ale to nepatří do tohoto vlákna.