Bad distance measurement when recording hiking

Yesterday I went for a short march and I had activity monitoring turned on as hiking. A colleague has a watch from another company and they showed him a different distance, much longer. I performed two measurements, and on both of them, when I exported gpx and imported it into map data on the Internet, the data differed by several kilometers. The altitude differed minimally in both activities. The watch is updated, I have also set the stride length. For hiking, I have set auto pause at stop, 3d speed and distance is off. GPS is set to GPS + Galileo. I am struck by the big difference between the measured values and the gpx value from my garmin Instinct. For the first activity it is measured 2.74km and according to gpx it is 4.44km, for the second measurement it is measured 13.53km and according to gpx 17.83km - Can you give me some advice on how to improve distance measurement? Thank you

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  • The difference in distance may be due to GPS drift.

    No, it is not this case. The same track shows a different distance after reimport, while keeping identical coordinates of all keypoints. It imports with the correct total distance if imported from a GPX file (not containing distances, just coordinates), while it shows a significatly shorter distance when imported in the original format (FIT) - that tile format includes also redundant keypoint distances in addition to the GPS keypoint coordinates. It means the watch records wrong distance between keypoints, despite that the pace is above the critical threshold, and despite that GPS works correctly without any drifts.

    • Hi, I have auto pause switch on. some time I make foto, that auto pause is ready do. But my pause of hiking is only a few second or minute. This is a very big difference between gxp and value from garmin instinct.
  • It imports with the correct total distance if imported from a GPX file (not containing distances, just coordinates), while it shows a significatly shorter distance when imported in the original format (FIT)

    Maybe it's a question of extrapolation and smoothing of the GPS lat/lon's. Garmin also uses a qualifier for the GPS signal that ranges from "good" to "poor". and in the FIT is also stored the distance, that may not match with the distance calculated with another SW.

    exported gpx and imported it into map data on the Internet, the data differed by several kilometers.

    @Olda: Do you've graphically compared the routes from GC and the other SW at the internet? There must be a difference.

    Calculating the distance for slow paces is a basic problem.

    According to Garmin, the GPS position error with strong GPS signal is about 3m, i.e. a circle with radius 3m around of the position. Hence the total error is the diameter of the circle, that is 6m. Assuming the watch records the GPS signals every second. Then, if you move with a pace <6m/s, many GPS locations are inside the position error, and may be the same for 2s or more. With this it's not possible to calculate the direction, distance and speed of moving. Of course, Garmin tries to enhance the accuracy with extrapolations, smoothings and take into account HR, cadence, ... But generally moving with slow speed is afflicted with position errors.

    In contrast with this the routes, speed, etc. are much more correct with cycling.

  • Other question, do you've a clue what distance is correct, Garmin's or the other SW's, i.e. what distance coincides mostly with the real distance, you've hiked.

  • O. K. I understand but when I wrote that friday hiking a went with my friend Tom and he have more cheaper smart clock from shaomi and his data is beter to value from gpx from my instinct. But I don't understand why the values ​​from the watch are shown by garmin connect other than exporting gpx also from garmin connect. Gpx from connect are similar to Tom's data and when importing gpx into map data on the internet they are more in agreement with reality

  • But generally moving with slow speed is afflicted with position errors.

    There are no position errors on his track. All keypoints are recorded with correct coordinates. And when you check the distance between two keypoinfs on the map, then the topographical distance is significantly bigger than the distance reported by the activity (at the first activity it is reduced exactly by the ratio of 1 mile to 1 km, hence the suspiction of a units mixup).

    And when you take the activity, export it as GPX file and then import back, it fixes the distances (i.e. showing the total distance of 4.4km instead of the wrong 2.7km), while keeping the coordinates of all keypoints intact. It is sure that the distance 4.4 km is correct.

  • Oldo, did you already try toggling the units in the watch's settings, and restarting it? And disabling the custom stride? And then doing a short walk to test it again?

  • I restarted but haven't taken a short walk yet. From morning until now I was fishing, I was in one place. I will now try to walk at least a mile two and restart the device once more. It is striking that exports were bad in February as well.

  • Hi  , Vyzkoušel jsem dva malé obvody po resetování hodinek a nastavení počtu najetých kilometrů v zařízení. Tyto obvody jsou v zásadě stejné pouze s malými odchylkami. V zařízení jsem změnil automatickou pauzu ze zastavení na snížení rychlosti pod 2 km / h. Pro první okruh jsem měl nastavenou délku kroku -

    pro druhou aktivitu jsme vypnuli vlastní délku kroku -

    obě aktivity jsou v zásadě identické a pravděpodobně nevidíte rozdíl v tom, zda je nastavena délka kroku. Export gpx je v obou případech v pořádku. Myslím, že je nutné to vyzkoušet na delší vzdálenosti, nejméně 5 km a více, ale bohužel pracovní týden začíná a nevím, kdy získám potřebná data.

    Mezitím vám děkuji za radu a co nejdříve zkusím nová měření hned, díky moc

  • Ahoj Oldo,

    ono se to dost liší nejen FW, ale i dobou používání hodinek. V návodu je, že ikdyž si zadáš délku kroku, tak se to vyladí pak dle GPS a optimalizuje. Loni jsem to dost zkoumal, protože mě hodně mrzelo, že Instinct neumí měřit dle krokomeru sporty jako badmington, hohejbal, volejbal atd.. jelikož nemá gyroskop ale jen akcelerometr.

    Což se moc v návodu nedočteš na první dobrou... JInak mně souhlasila vzdálenost, když jsem šl trasu 5 km bez gps jako aktivita chůze a pak hned s gps jako aktivita chuze, ale s gps. Možná to chce jen čas...Instinct si to přepočítá. Ale je fakt, že nejaky FW cosi pridá, ale naseká chyby kde nebyly. Mně už opet nefunguje treba DEM... ale to je trochu OT.