50KB in an hour - What is the frequency of storing data in an hour in this case (50KB)? 30times/60times a day?
Sorry. 30times/60times/hour?
What is the frequency of storing data in an hour in this case (50KB)? 30times/60times a day?
pprimoz wrote about the size of data stored during an Actvity (not during the day, when no Activity was started), with the Smart Recording mode. That interval is in such case irregular, and depends on many factors, but typically it is each several seconds. In Every Second Recording mode, the storing of the Actiivy data (GPS position, HR, temperature, elevation, duration, speed,...) happens every second, and the files has around 150k for an hour of an outdoors activity.
When not in any acitivity, mostly only HR and steps data are being recorded with the sampling rate of 2s, and typically the data for the whole day takes just a very few kb, being ovewritten next day, when previous data was synced.
Thank you. If HR, steps, and GPS are recorded with sample rate of 2s in my Garmin, how much memory it occupies in an hour?
how much memory it occupies in an hour?
It is written in the last sentence of my previous post