Weather doesn't update


weather widget dosent update. garmin connect is on in the background (IOS), only when I open Garmin connect the weather updates. On my fenix 5 weather updated when I scrolled to the widget and a location icon appeared in the right corner on the phone. this dosent happens now

  • I have seen your other post, but I never heard from you on how you set your permissions and location services setup on your phone. Can you please follow the steps in this article and let us know what happens? Weather Widget Not Displaying Weather Data on a Fitness Device
  • I have seen your oth
    I have seen your other post, but I never heard from you on how you set your permissions and location services setup on your phone. Can you please follow the steps in this article and let us know what happens? Weather Widget Not Displaying Weather Data on a Fitness Device

    I did exactly as it said in the article but did not help.
    Then i unpaired my watch from phone and reinstalled gcm on the phone. Paired watch with phone and now it works great :)
  • I've commented in another post too, but it looks to me like something is not right when it comes to connectivity with iOS devices. There is absolutely no chance weather would work with Connect app not switched on - even though i've walked through all the steps above. Moreover - on my iPhone 6s it does not really update anyway, unless forced, while on wifi only (when i switch my watch on it will not update the weather unless wifi is on too - and yes, my cell internet works just fine).
    Can somebody look into iOS and let me know if its only due to my particular device - or this can be fixed with the next upgrade?
  • Thank you Rijald for letting us know. Kuba01 can you try what Rijald did and let us know if it fixes your issue too?
  • Hey Heath
    i've tried that before - and again now - but the app still not working without Connect switched on (“app requires connection with connect” error in order to display temperature). I can live with that. What worries me is that data do not refresh unless i force it - and it only works when my wifi is on, which makes the app useless outdoor. Otherwise - if i dont force it - data will refresh every few hrs i guess - i dont know how often and what triggers it.

    Location services set to always, background refresh on.

    What should i be seeing when opening the weather widget when all works well? can someone post a clip?

  • Kuba01 That seems odd that it is only working via Wifi but not via your data plan. Could there be any limitations via your phone provider? If I was there with you, I would try to pair my device up with a friends phone to see if it is my phone or service provider. If it still happens on both phones, I would suggest that you call Garmin Support so we can work with you directly.
  • So i've noticed that something must be wrong with my BT - maybe after dealing with that - i'll sort my widget issue. So i cant "find my phone" when GCM app is off. It works perfectly fine on my Android phone, not on iPhone 6s. Checked iPhone 5s as well - no luck. Reading other forums i've seen some people had the same issue. Again - is that typical to iPhone users, or im doing something wrong?

    i went to a local Garmin store and tested my issues on their Instinct watch - issues are the same. So again - is that issue affecting older iphones only (5 and 6)? How is it with newer ones please?
  • Kuba01 I’m having the same problem as you with an iPhone XS. The weather rarely updates and is very annoying and basically makes the weather widget unusable. Today my watch said it’s currently 42 degrees. Look at the weather channel app and it says 64. Garmin connect has to be running in the background 24/7 for it to even have a chance to work. The weather widget needs to be redone somehow because in its current state it is wildly unreliable. I also have every setting set to what garmin recommends and it still has the same issues you describe. You’re not alone.
  • Thank you Ranger522, im kinda glad im not alone than:-)
    Hopefully Garmin will take a look at this with when issuing the next updates. Although i think apple involvement might be needed here...
  • I have the same problem too. Also when I have temperature as a field on my watch face, it rarely updates. Perhaps once every 24 hours. FR245M with iPhone 8.