Instinct Suggestions List

You buy a product knowing it’s current features but like anything, after using it you can come up with improvements and suggestions based on the watch and what is was designed for. Since we have a plethora of topics here, ideas and suggestions are all over the place, so I figured I’d create a topic to help people organize some of them.

So, below I’ll post a few suggestions based on my experience. If you agree with a suggestion (whether with me or anyone else), +1 it so Garmin knows. Post yours and let’s see what happens.

I’ll begin:

1. Timers- Give the user the ability to reorganize the Timers or have it automatically sort based on length of time (longest to shortest or vice versa).

2. Stopwatch- There is more than enough room to put the time of day. A lot of waste room on the SW screen.

3. Setting GPS- Unless I’m missing something, you have to set the GPS and it’s connection type per activity. It would be nice to set it on one (GPS or GPS/GLONASS or GPS/Galileo). Because of apps and websites like GNSS View, you can see the satellites above you and you can adjust your GPS connection settings accordingly.

4. Battery %- This is straightforward. We should be able to see the exact % of battery remaining.
  • I need the notification display without disappear automatically.
    The notifications are disappeared in the time set by option, sometimes I didn't notice some notifications in that time in the past.
    When I used vivoactive, it showed the notifications on the screen, and it never be disappeared automatically.

  • I would also like to cast a vote regarding this, with the hope that it will be read by Garmin devs. Since I see it as a vote, my suggestions might be repetitions of things already mentioned:

    1. When the count of notifications or calendar events are zero, don't display the icon or the zero. This will make for a cleaner watch face.
    2. Tide chart please! If possible (I realise it depends on more than just moon phase, but local geography, but possibly some data source is available for that).
    3. Shortcut to disable/enable heart rate monitor, ie ability to program hot keys for this.
    4. If possible improve accuracy of "Now" temperature. Since it doesn't update so often, I think it's a great option for the watch face, but it's inaccuracy makes it near useless right now. I realise this is connected with the connected phone's weather app (usually accuweather), but the "Now" temp on the watch reads a different value and is always off by a few degrees for some reason.
  • tides, tides, tides, tides please!!!!
  • 1. Batery %.
    2. Ability to set HR on the default watch face (5 fields) in the bottom field.
    3.Clarify/diversyfy/merge "navigation" and "navigate" menus, very confusing even after hours of reading forums and experimenting.
    4. After connecting Tempe sensor with no activity running it disconnects after 20 seconds and the temperature widget just shows "Tempe not connected". So to use the widged I have to manually disconnect Tempe in the settings, and manually connect it before every activity. Otherwise watch is constantly searching for it and messes up the temperature widget.
    5. Option to set GPS to aquire location once or twice a day in the background which would sync the time, calibrate sun and moon widgets, calibrate altimeter/barometer.
    6. Music control widget have too many layers. You have to scroll to the widget, and then various functions should be available on the buttons without the need to "go in" to the widget.
    7. When charging estimate how much time remaining, love this on my smartphone.
    8. One my vivoactive hr one of the best data fields I installed was "distance to start point" as most of my hikes were circular.
    9. More watch faces, especially for us "data freaks". Even the 5 data field screen from activities would work great :)
    10. Tidy up notifications screen so there is more text/caller info on the screen.

    Fantastic watch guys and my best upgrade so far to the gshock/protrek lines I have been using. Thank you for your hard work :)
  • -Vo2max
    -battery in percent
    -and of course a sleep widget. Why did Garmin deleted this widget in the Garmin instinct?
  • Hi all, I know Garmin is not going to do anything new to the watch, but I would love and pay if the music control widget gets enhanced. I use apple airpods and a way to fast change up/down volumen would be great!

    And also something really cool would be having time of day in the stopwatch running, that would be a killer.

    And.. the ability to set the vibe alarm force and duration like in the old vivoactive.

  • It's an amazing watch that just missed a few key feature.
    - VO2Max
    - ConnectIQ
  • - Be able to disable rep counting for strength training like we can do on Fenix watches
    - Nap tracking
    - The watch should display your previous number of reps and weight for a given exercise. If I do one set bench press 12 reps, the 2nd 11 and the 3rd set 9 reps, I'd like to see that the following time I do bench press so I know how many reps more I need to do compared to the previous session.
  • Maybe I missed it, but there doesnt seem to be a way to add step count as a data field for the walking activity. If this isn't an option it should be.
  • Grade-normalized pace (GNP) fields... such as Lap GNP or Average GNP.