GB Ordnance Survey Map reference for InReach Explorer+

Great Britain Ordnance survey map references have disappeared from my InReach Explorer+.  I used to get GBOS datum on the units settings along with a load of other world-wide datums, but now all I see are NAD27 ConUS, NAD83, and WGS84.  All our maps in the UK show only OS references, so the location info now appears useless.  Any advice welcome.

  • Open a support ticket. I do not see a record of any firmware update which would remove this capability from the device itself. OTOH, are OS maps available on for Explorer+? (I no longer have an active legacy device with which to try this.) If not, how are you getting the maps onto the device?

    Edited to add: F/W release history:

  • Thank-you for the reply.  I've opened a support ticket.  OS maps are not available for download onto the Explorer+.  I don't have the maps on the Explorer+.  Instead I use paper maps (in a waterproof pocket) so I rely on the device to give me the OS 6 digit reference number for reading the location on the paper map.  My eTrex10 provides this info, by selecting the OSGB map system.  Perhaps the Explorer+ never had this capability, and I'm suffering from false memory syndrome thinking it did, applying eTrex10 features to the Explorer+.  Most of the times I've used the Explorer+ have been in the US or Asia, so I've been using lat/long.  Thank-you again for the reply, much appreciated.  Let's see what Garmin Support say...

  • The Explorer + is a Delorme product, while the eTrex 10 is a Garmin product. They do not (and can not) use the same maps.