inReach Sync will not recognize USB connected inReach Explorer+

inReach Sync will not recognize inReach Explorer+ - cable seems to work as battery is charging, but software will not recognize that the device is connected. I have tried restarting the computer, uninstalling and reinstalling the software. Please advise - thanks!

  • Be sure that you are using a DATA cable. Some cables are "charge only" cables. These will charge, but will not work for any data transfer, including sync.

    Try a different cable if you have one. The one that came with the device is suitable. (You don't actually NEED a genuine Garmin cable. Only suggesting that this is a suitable cable if you have it.)

    Only other suggestion would be to clear the browser cache.

    And try logging in to the sync app before you connect (if it will allow that). It's been a long time since I messed around with a legacy device. The potential issue (which logging in might address) is that recent versions of sync try to do things like f/w updates even on devices that are not activated (and may not have an associated account). In my (ancient) experience, this sometimes results in various failures.

    If none of that works, open a support ticket.

  • Thank you so much!  We had this issue and it was totally the fact that we needed a "data" cable and not just a "charging" cable.  Data cables are thicker than a charging-only cable, so for others who have the issue look for a thicker, bulkier cable and it just may be the "data" cable.

  • Hello, I am having this problem. I tried connecting my device with a brand new cable that arrived with a coworker's inReach Explorer+ device (the same device that I have). My device could not be located in the sync app, while hers was recognized immediately. This tells me that it may be a problem with my device rather than the software or cord. Any ideas?

  • The conventional wisdom here is to remove the desktop sync program, reinstall the sync program, clear the browser cache, and try again. 

    There is a sync program activity log, which you can find here on Windows:


    Open it with a text editor like Notepad. It is cumulative, so the latest traffic will be at the end. Date and time stamps are UTC. This may give you a hint as to what is wrong. In any case, Garmin will likely want to see it if you open a support ticket.

    If all else fails, open a support ticket.

  • This was my exact issue as well! Good call!