Geos SAR HR with InReach Explorer+ - URGENT HELP PLEASE!!

Hi all,

I just bought a new InReach Explorer+ for an expedition I am leaving for on Monday (2 days) and an needing to add the Geos SAR High Risk insurance. The problem is the Garmin website only allows adding the regular Geos SAR insurance, which is useless to me. I don't understand why the High Risk is not an option??

I need to get this sorted out urgently.

I have tried Geos website directly but they -

1. Only have Delorme Inreach listed as a device, not Garmin and
2. Even when trying to use the Delorme Inreach as the option the Paypal section for payment failed every time (as in the webpage doesn't even load after clicking the link to pay).

This seems ridiculous to me.. am I missing something??