Help with tracking

I read the manual (older version from Delorme) and it said to delete tracks, first sync the Explorer then go to "tracks" on the Explorer and clear all. I did that but when I send an invite to follow a trip and click the link my latest trip and all of my prior trips still show on the map. This will obviously be confusing for someone trying to follow me. What am I missing? Thanks for the help.
  • There's a difference between clearing tracks off the device and clearing them from the web site. You cleared the device, not the web site.

    It is possible to delete tracks from the web site. But it's painful because, as far as I know, you have to delete them one at a time. For what you want to accomplish, it's probably easier to filter what appears on your MapShare page. To do that, log into your account at Go to the Social tab. Click the Options button which appears near the upper right corner. In the resulting pop-up box, look for the heading "Hide Older MapShare Data". Click in the only field under this heading, then either type or choose the starting date from which data will continue to appear. That is, data older than this date will no longer appear. Click Save Changes at the bottom to save your change.

    You can clear this date or change it at any time. Typically, you might want to change it just prior to any trip on which you plan to share data.