Message sent/received multiple times


I am writing on behalf of a colleague who is currently away, with no internet connexion, and cannot scroll the forum herself. She is using the inreach to send us text messages. Almost everyday, I receive several (or even all) text messages that she has already sent me since she is using the inreach. She has an unlimited subscription. Do you know what can be the problem, and how to solve it?
Thank you in advance

  • I have seen this happen occasionally. It is probably not a case of the device sending the message multiple times. It is more likely some issue on the server side.

    I also notice that there were problems with SMS delivery on September 27. Even though the status page does not show any more recent issues, there may have been some. The status page only shows problems that Garmin actually noticed.

    That particular outage had to do with delays. Sometimes recovery from problems like that results in re-transmission from the servers to the phones. And sometimes it just happens.

    If it continues to happen, you might want to open a support ticket. However, support will want to communicate with the user of the device. If that's not possible, probably no point in opening the ticket.

  • Thank you for your quick answer! So, the first message was sent on the 21st of September, and this one, I have received it only once. However, the ones that were sent from the 22nd onwards are arriving everyday on my phone.
    Thank you for the ticket suggestion, I'll see whether it keeps happening!