Upgrade feature request Symbols

If the Garmin moderator sees this, can you pass this idea along?  When writing a message on the inReach’s “arrow up arrow down OK” scroll, it would be nice to have some of the basic math symbols, + - = / * % and $ on the same scroll as the actual numbers.  If I wanted to write 2+2=4 I’d have to write 2, then go out of the numbers scroll to the symbols scroll selecting the “%”, then find the “+” then back to numbers for the next 2, then back to symbols for “=“ then back to numbers.  Wouldn’t it be easier just to have those symbols with the numbers?  You wouldn’t have to change the symbols scroll, just add what I mentioned to the numbers!  (I know you could start in the numbers and write 224, then go to the symbols and using the cursor arrows and space bar to fill in the + and =, but that’s kind of a pain too.)