InReach to InReach communication issues

My husband and I just bought two minis and testing so far hasn’t been reliable.  It seems like I’m getting all of his messages but he’s not getting mine.  In the Earthmate app, I see the two messages I sent to him yet in his Earthmate app (and on his  device) it only shows one message received by me.

Any ideas on what may be going on and how we can know reliably that our 2-way messages are being sent / received?  I don’t see a way on the Garmin to verify a message was sent out and I thought that by seeing it in the Earthmate app that this means it was sent.  Apparently, that’s not always the case.  



  • You will need to call Garmin and initiate an incident report. Sorry.

  • When you send a message from the mini there will be a little curve arrow at the top of the main screen (where it shows mainly the time of day), when it is sent their is a shrill noise from the mini and the arrow goes away as your notification that it's sent. Another way is in the message list that shows just after you hit send, the same little curve arrow is shown next to the message until it's sent. In Earthmate in messages, there is a swirling circle until the message is sent. There is really know way that I can think of that they received it. Perhaps you have a protocol where one you use one of the preset messages to indicate receipt, but then when you receive it the message would count against your message quota.