MapShare magically updates my location

I just realised on MapShare my position marked 3rd Jul and less then hour ago, it is a few block from my real location for now, but I was close to the marked point about one hour ago.

I double checked Tracking - Send Interval - Off, even more I didn't use Tracking today, I have Auto Track - off, and I din't send any messages today.

How it is possible?

  • Even when you are not explicitly sending track points or messages, iR devices stay in contact with the Iridium network. In particular, the Mini performs an active message check on power up, and hourly. Any such check includes your location and will likely update the "head pointer" (the large blue triangle marking "current" location) on map page at and for your MapShare page (if enabled).

  • Thank you for a comment! Since I discovered this magical location update I did a set of experiments and also contacted Garmin support.

    My personal findings are following: iR MINI updates 'head pointer' NOT each time when you checking mail, but sometimes, for now I can't recognise pattern when it happen or not. I had an idea, probably mail check updates 'head pointer' in case device has a 'very fresh' GPS lock, so I tried manually check mail when device in the navigation mode to some waypoint. No stable updates, sometimes yes, sometimes even mail checked 1 minute ago pointer is on the old position.

    But, I realised, and confirmed it by repeatable experiments, 'head pointer' is updated for sure when user stopped Navigation, ie navigate to any Waypoint, even Waypoint is not arrived, stop navigation and device is updating position (you can see status bar icon like pointed up arrow few second later when navigation stopped).

    I don't know is it defined intently as desired behaviour of device or it is some side effect.

    Garmin support: they tried to convince me device updates position for any interaction with Iridium satellite.

    But as I explained above it is not a case for my individual experiments. I am going to continue my investigations as I am curious how things work for sure :)