Feature Request. Google Maps Link in messages.


Currently you message structure sent to SMS's are as follows:

Message inr.ch/code (lat,long) - Name.

Firstly messages cannot always be replied to (I suppose that is country dependent)

Second it is rather difficult to navigate to the point given, by a novice user (of the SMS - such as your mother in law...)

I suggest:

1. allow for a reply to be sent via the link offered. ( as SMS reply does not work for me at least. (South Africa))

2. give the option to receive the coordinates in the following format:


example: https://maps.google.com/maps?q=-25.834123+28.123123

on an android phone you can simply tap on the link and hit navigate or Start and the phone will direct you there.

There is a android app "Here I Am" that sends a position in that format that I've been using for years flying hang gliders

