inReach preset message and route tracking question

New inReach mini user looking for some guidance. I went on my first bike ride with iR and sent my first "Starting my trip" preset message to my wife when I started the ride. The message included a link like this which allowed my wife to see my starting location, but not follow me along on my ride (no further location updates). Is this the expected functionality/behavior? I noticed, had I shared my mapshare link<<5char_user_name>> ahead of time, my wife would have been able to see all my tracking points throughout the day. Is there a way for the tracking to be included in the preset messages, and not just the one-time location?

Thank you!

  • Yes, this is the intended behavior for all sent messages, including presets. You have some control over what is included with each SMS message you send. This is in the lower right-hand corner of the Account tab at The second option is the one that controls the inclusion of the link to the special-purpose map page which shows your location and the message itself. Unlike the corresponding map page linked from an e-mail message, this one does not include the ability to reply from that page. The recipient can reply directly to the SMS message using the normal reply function on the smart phone.

    A better way to engage people with MapShare is to use the Send MapShare option. It's available from the tracking widget (Tracking screen) when tracking is running. You can get there very easily immediately after you start tracking. Wait for the settings to disappear and the Tracking screen with distance/average speed displayed. Tracking will appear in the title bar. Press OK, scroll down to the Send MapShare option. Press OK. From there, you can select contacts, compose custom message text or pick from Quick Text, or whatever. Note that the default message text is probably just fine - so you can just select contacts and send. The message will contain a link to your MapShare page, rather than to the special-purpose map/message page that you get with a regular message.

    You can get there at any time (when tracking is running) by scrolling through the widgets using the up/down arrows until you see the Tracking screen. Press OK and proceed as above.
  • Tom, thanks for the detailed reply. I think "Send MapShare" is the functionality I was looking for. I'll experiment with it some more. If this is how I plan on using it, I think I can re-purpose the default "Message 1: Starting my trip." preset message to read something else.

    It's still a little perplexing why the preset messages work differently when they come in via e-mail (allowing reply in the web/map interface) or via SMS text message (not allowing reply in the web/map interface, but allowing SMS text reply). This inconsistent functionality can cause confusion among the receivers of my iR messages...
  • The two are treated differently in an effort to manage spam to your iR device. All the gory details get a bit convoluted. The bottom line is that the Garmin servers are in a position to distinguish true SMS replies from unsolicited attempts to reach your device via SMS. This is not true of email replies, which are too easy to spoof. So,direct SMS replies are permitted. Direct email replies are not - the recipient of the original message has to go through the special-purpose web page for which a link is provided in the original e-mail message.

    Users with access to your MapShare page can always send you a message directly from there, assuming your MapShare settings permit it.
  • I understand. The confusing part is why the link received via preset SMS text message doesn't allow reply from the web interface, whereas you can do that from the link in the e-mail message. Doesn't seem to have anything to do with e-mail spoofing or spam filtering, unless I'm missing something.

    I am already dreading the wife conversation (non-techie) :): "honey, you may get canned messages from me from time to time during a ride. you'll be able to see where I'm at and read the message: starting the trip, everything's OK, etc. however, you can't send me a reply from that web interface. you'll have to use the OTHER MapShare message I sent you at the start of the ride"

    Regardless, I'll get my head around this and learn how to work with the system the way it's designed.
  • That's correct.

    Garmin expects people to (try to) do the "natural" thing to reply. For SMS, that is to use the reply function on the smart phone. The link to show your location is just added information, which isn't even included if you disable it.

    For email, Garmin does not permit the use of the email reply function (to avoid the possibility of spam). The email message makes that clear, in that it tells the recipient to use the link to show the location OR to reply. It also says NOT to reply directly to the email.

    Unfortunately, the length restrictions on SMS messages prevent similarly clear instructions there.

    Pretty sure Garmin's viewpoint is that "minimum functionality is the ability to reply in every possible message channel without undue risk of allowing spam". They provide that. What they don't provide is "every possible means of generating the reply for every possible message channel."

    Techie or not, your wife will get the hang of it :-D
  • Thanks! I hope I will figure out the best way to use the device after a few more rides.
  • Personally I'd prefer the presets included a link to my mapshare page rather than just current location; because these messages are free (vs paid). I guess the workaround is to create a link to my MapShare link and include that in the preset message text. 

  • He assumption is that interested parties know the URL for your MapShare page. The target of the “location link” sent with the message is just a convenient way to see your location at the time the message was sent on a map, to see message details, and (email messages only) to reply. 

    There is a way to send a “share” message that includes a link to your MapShare page. The option is offered at least when you start tracking. This message is not free, however.

  • To include tracking information in your preset message, simply include your mapshare link in your preset message, for example:

    "At the start. My track:<<5char_user_name>>. "

    All of your preset contacts can then just click your mapshare link in the received preset message to track you. And of course, the sending of the preset message is free.