Hello I am in need of some help - 

I have a 66I and it has worked in the past with sending messages. But the past two times I have tried to use it they do not send out. I am also not able to receive messages. It tries to send them out but we get the "messages not sent" notification. 

I have tried resetting and syncing like the instructions say to on the Garmin website but I am unsuccessful. If anyone has any idea what could be causing this please send some information my way! 

Thank you in advance! 

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  • Go to Explore website and ensure you have an active subscription.

    If so, download the IridiumWhere app onto your 66i from the Garmin Connect IQ store. Once you have it working you will be able to see where the Iridium satellites are in the sky. It is similar to the Satellite app which shows where GPS satellites are in the sky. The large circle represents the horizon, and the smaller circle represents 45 degrees in the sky from your location.

    While outside, with a clear view of the sky, open the IridiumWhere app and wait until you have satellites near or within the 45 degree circle. This could take a long time. Then, run the Communications Test within the inReach Utilities app. If the test is not successful you will probably have to contact Garmin Support, unless someone else here has a better idea.

  • Be sure you have a clear view of the sky. This is the single most important thing. With a clear view and the unit in your hand, try sending a message. If it does not go out within 5 to 10 minutes, open a support ticket. If you have reset the device, repeated the outdoor portion of the activation (necessary after a full reset), and have an active plan - you have done all of the conventional wisdom things.

  • I added IridiumWhere to my 66i, but it doesn't appear anywhere.  I see that it's not a widget and there's no entry for it in the Add Item listing for modifying the App Menu.  Device has been restarted, and ConnectIQ tab in Express shows that it's installed.  Also, what info does ths app have that's not in the default app?

  • On your 66i's Main Menu, select Connect IQ. IridiumWhere should be there. There is no other app on the 66i which allows you to see where the Iridium satellites are. There is a Satellite app within the Main Menu. That shows you where the GPS/Galileo satellites are for navigation.

  • I see it now.  Since it needs both wifi, and BT to Express on the phone, it won't be of any use to me in the field.  But I do see that it shows info in a different way than Satellite app, which might be useful in another context. 

  • No, it doesn't need WiFi and BT to use. I use it in the field frequently. It lets you know when to expect slow messaging. There is also a website by the same name. This is useful for family members to check if they don't receive a message when they expected to.

    You have to update the IridiumWhere data. Over 30 days old and it is unusable (see lower right corner of satellite map). I update it from home before going out. I use the Connect app on my phone to synch with the 66i. I use WiFi on the phone, and BT to the 66i. Once in the field, WiFi and BT are not needed.

  • thanks for your detailed replies.  Usually I try to use an app w/o instructions to see how well it's designed and if any help text, in this case no help in the app.  It would not run until I connected wifi, and then BT to Express, and now I see that it runs w/o those connections.  I do not use my 66i with a phone at all, except managing occasional sync and IQ apps.  Scanning the developer's page at https://apps.garmin.com/en-US/apps/3f9e41ab-d35a-4741-8d5e-3846302c84f8#0 he says nothing about internet/BT connections, only "Orbital data needs to be downloaded on first use (automatic process on startup).".  The app showed me a bluetooth error message until I enabled to Express on the phone.  I think the instructions could be clearer.

    In any case there is a lot of interesting data about iridium and I can see how it'd be useful for some folks.

  • Yes, the app instructions could be much, much clearer. I struggled at first.

    I also don't use my 66i with my phone in the field. I only use them together to synch at the house. I use the Connect app to update IridiumWhere and I use the Explore app to synch hiking data to and from the Explore website.

    I only open IridiumWhere if it's taking a long time for the 66i to send messages. I've waited 30 minutes or so at times. With IridiumWhere, you can see when satellites are approaching the 45 degree circle, and you'll find that messages will send about then, as long as no terrestrial obstructions.

    Have a good weekend.

  • Hello Have you tested this again recently? Are you able to send and receive messages now?