SAR 100 insurance for evacuation from a sailboat in case of a medical emergency

We are sailboaters cruising the remote areas of Pacific Northwest and Alaska. We have our own regular health insurance, insurance for the boat, towing insurance etc. We also have several emergency devices, including a Garmin Inreach. We are considering purchasing Inreach SAR 100 ( insurance. We are wondering if this can be used to cover a medical emergency. For example, if we have a life threatening situation in a remote anchorage on the sailboat, could it be used to cover helicopter pickup expanses. We would not need the heath insurance as we are covered for it but the cost of getting to an emergency service will be important. Trying to get to a place via sailboat can sometimes take days and it is obviously a problem in case of an emergency. I read the FAQs but couldn't find a clear answer. Any guidance will be appreciated.