Was SOS INOPERATIVE for 7.5 hours?

Garmin reported a multi-hour incident last night during which “SOS Communication” was “delayed and queued for delivery”. Would that mean even the INITIAL ACTIVATION of the SOS Message feature on a properly subscribed inReach Device would not be received and acted upon by Garmin Response (formerly IERCC) until the queued message was finally received?

  • I think the sos was fixed rather fast, the rest took much longer

  • SOS was down as part of the general messaging failure. This is the first time I have ever seen an SOS outage.

    As notes, the SOS outage was much shorter than the general outage. According to the status board, SOS was down for 1 hour 8 minutes. The rest of the framework was down for a total of 7 hours 26 minutes.


    If you subscribe to updates from the status page, this was clear from the updates.

    Unfortunately, yes (AFAIK), there would have been a delay in SOS messages to IERCC (or whatever it is called this week). This would have resulted in a delay in response.

  • I based my question on the email updates that I did receive from the Status Page, which showed SOS Communication failure beginning at 1836 on 31MAY and ending at 0203 on 01JUNE (duration 7:27).  Thank you for pointing me to the actual Status Page itself,  which depicts the much shorter outage time for the SOS component. Bill

  • Did not keep the update emails. I seem to recall that one of the intermediate status messages showed SOS back up while the other two remained down. I don't recall if there was time info in there are not.

  • “We are continuing to investigate this issue.
    Posted 2 days ago. May 31, 2023 - 19:45 EDT”
    This may be the intermediate status message you remembered. Although the time stamp would seem to reflect the actual 1:08  SOS outage, the message itself does not speak directly to the components affected, nor was it sent out (to me, at least) in an email.  Bill R.
  • Good News from SAR Support at Garmin Response in response to my inquiry:


    Hello Bill,

    The outage did effect our initial SOS system however it did not effect our backup system we have in place for situations like this. We still received SOS activations into our systems and preform the coordination in a timely manner.