Device functionality during SOS

Is all functionality available when in SOS "mode"? For example, if the device is NOT paired to phone initially and I trigger an SOS, can I then pair the phone and device?  Or should I pair prior to triggering SOS?  

I know one can send messages to others in SOS mode, but I've not heard Garmin discuss the availability of other functions in their webinars/manuals.

  • Thanks for info, but it doesn't really address SOS functionality.  I employ a similar strategy to what you use.  I use the cheapest plan and rely heavily on Preset Messages.  I use InReach Tracking only when on unfamiliar or known hazardous trails, so only once or twice a year.  I consider it a backup to the SOS message, in the event I can't physically initiate an SOS or I am in an area without a clear view of the sky.

    The problem with location requests is that  it is two way communication (a transmitted request followed by a transmitted response), while Tracking is one way (transmitted data).  A location request is only addressed by the device when the device checks for mail, which could be once per hour. I want my Mapshare "safety partner" to easily see when my progress on the trail has changed dramatically, and I think that's best done through tracking.  Cheap insurance. 

  • when the SOS is activated, there is a partially predefined sequence going on. There will be a standard 'I have an emergency please send help' message, one can do other things, but the messaging will come up again. What ever is sent and arrives also at the explore website, this will be displayed in bright red.

    GEOS will start communication via inreach, but will also attempt to communicate via phone.

    To stop all this, the emergency has to be cancelled, following instruction on the screen.

  • and if in doubt, book a test with IERCC and see yourself how exactly the process looks like on your particular unit.