I am not able to re activate my InReach. Explore site just tell me it was suspended and I can't go futher to cancel the suspension.

I am not able to re activate my InReach.

I suspend my subscription about 1 year ago.

Explore site just tell me it was suspended and I can't go futher to cancel the suspension.

The Garmin support page is not helpfull. What the ask me to do, is actually not what I can see on my account.

  • Best bet is to open a support ticket.

    If you were on a freedom plan, you should be able to reactivate the unit from explore.garmin.com. However, there is an annual fee for the freedom plan (which is separate from the monthly fee in active months). If it's been more than a year and you failed to pay the annual fee, that could be the problem.

    If you were on an annual plan, there is no such thing as suspension. I'm not sure what happens if you just stop paying the bill, but it's not the same as suspending a freedom plan.

    Either way, nobody on the forums is going to be able to help. You're going to have to open a ticket.