A porcupine managed to chew up the antenna on my brand new InReach Mini. The thick rubber is pretty damaged. Is that fixable? Maybe I should wrap it in electrical tape? As is everything works, but I'm not sure of what the purpose of that rubber is.
A porcupine managed to chew up the antenna on my brand new InReach Mini. The thick rubber is pretty damaged. Is that fixable? Maybe I should wrap it in electrical tape? As is everything works, but I'm not sure of what the purpose of that rubber is.
A thin layer of electrical tape might be a good idea to prevent further damage. AFAIK, the rubber coating is just to protect the coil. However, I am sure that it is part of the water resistance for the device. Electrical tape is not likely to restore that. Even if the device is under warranty, I doubt that this kind of "accidental" damage is covered.
If you want a definitive answer (on both things - warranty coverage and the purpose of the rubber coating), open a support ticket.
Use a silicon sealant (black or grey colour) and give form with and ice , allow it to dry 24 hs and you will have a fully resistant water fix . After that , take it away from porcupines :))