Has anyone had experience with a claim on a GEOS insurance product?

Does anyone have experience with GEOS insurance claims?  I’ve never had a claim and hope I never will, but I’m curious about the protection offered.  I think GEOS is a wholly owned subsidiary (not a division) of Garmin, and I think it operates relatively independently. 

The user agreement for its insurance products is understandably vague in some areas.  So I asked by email what fraction of claims were disputed and what the most common reasons were.  In my limited experience, insurance companies are proud of low dispute rates. 

The response was evasive.  GEOS first said privacy restrictions prevented it from releasing that information.  That didn't sound right since I wasn’t asking about specific clams.  When I pointed that out, “the manager of IERCC Operations,” replied that GEOS had nothing to hide.  She said GEOS has not and does not divulge the fraction of claims disputed or what common reasons for dispute are.  She didn’t address why the previous reply sounded dishonest.  

Most of what I’ve read about GEOS, before and since the Garmin acquisition, has been favorable, though I haven’t read anything about the GEOS insurance products except what was provided by GEOS.

  • First of all, GEOS coverage is not an insurance product. It's a personal subscription. There is a subtle difference with regard to how it is regulated. I don't have any experience with using the coverage, nor do I know anybody who has done so. In the US, the GEOS coverage is not typically invoked. Most SAR operations in the US are handled by local government and/or volunteers without charge. This is not the case elsewhere in world, but may account for the lack of anecdotal data here.

    In my limited reading about the product, it seems to me that the biggest potential for "gotcha" is related to just who is covered by the subscription. There are various options for individual and family. But if you and 3 unrelated buddies are out hiking, you have a personal subscription, and one of THEM requires rescue, I do not believe that GEOS will pay. Not a lawyer and don't even play one on TV - so YMMV.