I recently went on a 5-day trip with my inReach Mini and sent a dozen messages to two cell numbers and two email addresses. I got every indication that the messages were sent (chirp sound, upload icon disappeared, Earthmate app icon changed) but when I got home I discovered that none of those messages had been received by anybody. Nor did the messages appear on my account on explore.garmin.com. Mind you, before the trip I had tested the Mini over a few weeks and successfully sent a number of messages to the same addresses in question.
When I got home I sent another message... and it was succesfully received. And then, right at the same time, all those previous messages from my trip got delivered at once to all recipients, as though there was some kind of blockage in the system.
I contacted Garmin support. They said that my contacts weren't properly synced, and that I should have synced the unit using the inReach Sync app, but they've been unwilling to investigate further. I have been syncing the Mini all along using the Earthmate app, not the inReach Sync app. If there's a difference, Garmin certainly doesn't document that. And if not using the inReach Sync is a problem, it still doesn't account for the behavior that I successfully sent messages both before the trip and after, even when the unit was supposedly not properly synced.
Has anybody else experienced this? It certainly doesn't give me any confidence in this Mini unit, or in Garmin's commitment to provide a reliable system. My relatives were fairly freaked out by not hearing from me for 5 days; undelivered messages is not a trivial issue.