I would like to know the best inReach settings for a mountaineer to use, so that people can follow progress on the web. Online I see several climbers currently using inReach to post their progress on Annapurna, but some of their progress is much easier to see and understand than others. For example:
is pretty good, but this is not:
(look at the Track Summary for April 13, 8:55 pm for a trip length of 6:12:30) This has many lines and it is hard for me to believe the climber actually took that path.
This is not ideal, but better than some:
It would help me if someone could give advice on how often to have the inReach log my position, etc.so that friends and family can easily see what I'm up to. I am fairly new to using inReach (mostly around my neighborhood), and so any explanation for the beginner would be appreciated. Thanks.