I bought the inReach mini primarily as a texting and emergency solution to living in a remote area without cell coverage. I pair it with the Earthmate app via an iPhone. I've been using it daily for a year and have had no problems other than the varying send/receiving times, which I understand is to be expected with satellite technology. My question is this: I would like to turn on the inReach only twice per week to retrieve messages and reply as necessary. Will messages sent to my device (by way of someone replying to a previous message sent by me of course) between my two predetermined check-in days stay on the server or are they deleted if they are not retreived daily? In other words, how long are unchecked messages stored on the server before deletion? I've had folks tell me they sent texts that I never received, but this was usually when I was in a front country area and had the device turned off for several days. Thanks a lot.