download tracks

I am on a search and rescue team. Last week I was on a large search with many different teams. MOst teams showed up with various Garmin GPS receivers such as 60s, 62s and 64s. When they returned from assignments it was easy to download the GPX files from them to integrate into our mission map. Some people also had Inreach units, mostly explorers but also minis. Are there plans to allow direct downloading of tracks as GPX files from the Inreaches you can with other GPS receivers? Also, it was cumbersome to have separate Mapshare pages open for each unit. It would be helpful for rescue teams to be able to aggregate unites that aren't normally on the same account on one page.

  • This is mostly a peer to peer forum. Unless somebody from Garmin chooses to comment, you won't find any information here on future features. That said, the newest inReach unit - the GPSMAP 66i - offers direct .gpx export just like other Garmin GPS units. This is the first iR model which is fully integrated with the Garmin ecosystem. Never say never - but I'd speculate that introducing this feature on older iR models seems unlikely. As with any other business, it seems like the new models get the most attention.

    If you were willing to invest a bit of time in it, you might be able to perform the aggregation yourself. There are several different "feeds" and APIs which make real-time inReach data available for consumption on other web sites and in Google Earth. I don't have any experience with this myself, but it appears to address the problem in a roundabout way.

    Documentation is available from the Social tab of any account at Look for the Feeds and (?) links to the right of your MapShare URL. The Feeds link gives you links to the actual feeds, as well as a link to the documentation. The (?) link takes you directly to the original DeLorme documentation. I assume this is the latest available.