Access Raw KML Data Feed URL with password

I would like to setup password for my KML data feed (to be consumed by a software).
However, when I set up the password, I cannot access the link using basic authentication with by my inReach account or the password I set in the ShareMap.

Can you help help me a working example (in any programming language)?

Thank tons
  • I am also interested in this.

    I have been thinking of setting a Mapshare password to keep the Mapshare private for messaging with my family and then adding other software to make a public map on my own home page for other people. So far I have just tested the KML feed without password. As I didn't quite find a Map alternative that use OpenStreetMap I decided to wait and look around.

    But some code examples would be really nice!
  • @johwin61 I found it. Here is an example.
    User name can be any name and password is the password you set for the map