on a few days of my long distance hike, I've had messed up mapshare tracking that is not consistent with what's shown in the earthmate app. Basically, the tracking freaks out and has erroneous points causing weird tracking lines. Does anyone know what is going on here? I've only had this happen on a couple of occasions in the last week. ciq.forums.garmin.com/.../1421976.jpgciq.forums.garmin.com/.../1421977.jpg
You might try zooming the MapShare map to see if the symptoms changes. I have seen cases where errors in the rendering are due to what is/is not visible on the map at the time. Have to say that I've not seen anything this messed up, though. Even if zooming helps, it's clearly broken. I'd call tech support. They're not going to fix it right this minute, but at least you'd be making them aware of the problem.
Thank you for the responses. I contacted support. Their first response was that I needed to filter and that it was simply showing multiple tracks from previous days. I wrote back to them letting then know that it was a single track and I'd only hiked there one day. The actual hike is 1.6 miles, but since the data is messed up or being interpreted badly it comes out as 9+ miles. it's connecting points that it shouldn't connect. I reuploaded the picture highlighting the actual hiked path and showing it is filtered to just the most recent track. It happened to be the last track of the hike (Ice Age Trail in Wisconsin). the second picture shows that it did the same thing two days earlier on two consecutive days. It connected the day's begging points and ending points giving me a total of 112 miles for one day. I'm not that good of a hiker! Anyway, I have informed them and we'll see if they will look into it. I don't think it's fixable without editing a GPX/KML file and reuploading. Not worth the hassle. I believe it may have something to do with syncing from the iPhone Earthmate app and the phone going in and out of airplane mode, but I don't know that for sure.ciq.forums.garmin.com/.../1422387.jpg
As an aside, but related - something I noticed about Tracking and Logging points used at the same time: I use both Tracking Points (10 min interval) and Logging Points (2 min interval). During the hike there are sometimes two tracks on the Earthmate app. However, after day's end syncing and ending tracking, the two tracks are "resolved" down to one track. I have had a couple days where this didn't happen, but otherwise it becomes one track when the data is synced and tracking is turned off.
I suspect, but cannot prove, that the web site messes up precisely because there are both logged and sent points which represent the same track. In my experience, the web site is correct when I have not yet sync-d the logged points. Before I sync, the sent points are connected to one another as they should be. And there are no extra lines. Once I sync, the sent points remain connected to one another and those lines do not disappear. The logged points are connected to one another. So it now appears that we have two tracks - but there is only one in the sidebar. Also, once I sync, I frequently find at least one additional line connecting what might be the first sent point with what might be the last sent point.
Note that I'm not doing anything unusual here. The Earthmate app is not running during the actual tracking. The sync takes place after I stop tracking.
I have not tried exporting to .gpx. I will try that to see if the problem is with the actual points or is only a matter of rendering on the web sites.
Please post back when you hear from support. We'd all like to know what they say.
During the hike there are sometimes two tracks on the Earthmate app. However, after day's end syncing and ending tracking, the two tracks are "resolved" down to one track.
That is the way it has always worked for me for the last 3 years- until Garmin got ahold of it. Now if often does NOT resolve it to one track. Garmin now says it isn't supposed to go to just the one more detailed track after a sync. Yet I tested it today for 40+ miles, did a sync, and it went to the one more detailed logged track on the map- as it should IMO.:rolleyes: