Do not disturb function isn't kicking in when it's supposed to?

I want DND during sleep time to be on. It used to work, and my sleep time is set to be 21:30-8:00. For some reason the DND during sleep time function has recently been switching itself off during the day. It did it for a little while and I managed to sort it out by toggling the DND function in the watch. Seemed to work for a few weeks. Then last night I started receiving messages at 10pm randomly, so had to toggle DND during sleep time, this time in the connect app. This evening it's done it again, and the function has switched itself off. The only thing that changed was I ran an android OS update this morning when I woke up, but to my knowledge there wasn't a connect update or watch update waiting in the wings. This is also interesting because I did nothing yesterday to justify the function deactivating last night.

  • Please help! It's frustrating getting woken up by some muppet in the uni chat groups I'm in who's up at 2am writing unnecessary replies! Face palm