Fenix 5 charging pin corrosion

I have a Fenix 5 slate gray that is showing corrosion on 2nd pin (worst) and 3rd pin. 

I didn't look at it recently until a finicky charging session recently. After a successful charge session and some web searches I found this bunch of fun posts on this headache. 

Are there reputable parts sources for these charging pins port replacements and is it a simple DIY project for a novice? 

Please advise and thanks in advance! 

  • I am sorry there is an issue. If you decide you would rather exchange your watch, please reach out to Outdoor Product Support in your region.

  • Well, I have a Fenix 5x for more than 5 years and the pins are almost gone and can’t charge it. I’m thinking about puttting a drop of soldering on each pin….it think it might work…

  • I've got a Fenix 5, or more accurately I should say I'm on my 5th fenix 5, due to constantly having to return them due to rusting charge pins (luckily on the 3rd change the shop gave me a new watch replacement and receipt as Garmin kept sending me refurbished watches, which thus reset my guarantee period). I would say whatever you do, never ever ever take your Fenix anywhere near salt water!!!  My 5th watch, which I changed the week before the guarantee ran out, I treated with kid gloves, i.e. alway rinse with fresh water after a run and dry, never take swimming anymore and never wear in the shower...  for 5 months it was ok, then this week I jumped in the sea for my lunch swim and forgot to remove it.  After a 30 minute swim I realized my error, took it off, and the rear 3rd pin (the one they send the current through to detect if it is worn) was completely rusted.  It is insane that this expensive kit is absolutely not fit for purpose, in that you need to clean sweat off after each run and you can't use it in the sea (they need to state this clearly, that "open water swim" entails fresh water lakes only.