I recently upgraded to the 5x (Big Fan!!!) because I've started to use the watch to navigate on my trail runs.
I currently use dynamic watch to plan the route and send the route to my watch then use the app on the watch to navigate how ever i am struggling a little when it comes to following the route - often I am running along a path and it spilts into a Y and the line on the watch im following isn't obvious which path to take.
Is there a way to show the tracks in the area so i know when im going to other paths?
I have selected "show more detail on map" but this didn't change anything.
I am running the latest software, am based in Cape Town - South Africa and Im guessing using the standard installed maps.
Please note - i DONT want TOPO maps with all the contours as my simple dyslexic brain can't understand them - especially when out of breath and 10km into a run!!!
Thanks in advance
I have attached an example of the paths from planner and am hoping for something similar on the watch