How to set the barometer as a weather indicator tool?

I set the altimeter manually to the known local altitude (337 meters in my case). I switched off the altimeter autocalibration based on GPS. I set the same altitude in the barometer settings, then I set the sea level pressure at 760 mmHg (as this is the well known standard, right?), and I finally set the Watch Mode to barometer. Now the altitude is frozen at 337, even when I descend 3 floors from my apartment (at least 9-10 meters equivalent) to the ground. The only parameter which is changing is the barometer pressure, it changes slightly from 760 mmHg to 760.7 or so, when I descend from the third floor to the ground. When I'm at the third floor, staying inside my apartment, the barometer is almost frozen most of the time (ranging between 759.8 and 760.1). I must mention that the real time pressure in my city is now around 735 mmHg and rising, as the local weather station shows. I'd like to see the barometer changing according to weather changes, so how should I set the altimeter/barometer in order to achieve that? Or is my watch a lemon? The sensors/software are broken? I need your advice. Thanks.

Later edit: I just discovered an Ambient Pressure widget, which shows 733.4 mmHg, very close to the real pressure measured by the local weather station, which is 735 mmHg, as I already said. OK, so, what is the difference between "barometric pressure" and this "ambient pressure"? Is one influenced by the other? Can someone explain? One more thing, in this widget, under the 733.4 mmHg pressure is displayed the altitude (which is 337 meters, as I said), and another pressure indicator (I suppose), which shows: 766.4. So what does this represent?