Did my Fenix 5 Optical HRM just burn my skin?! Pics attached

**Edit - I just realized the pictures I uploaded with this post are so small you can barely see them. Here is a link to see the full resolution version of the attached images. Sorry for the trouble. https://1drv.ms/a/s!Aq2Z5Oy6o44lpFjCqFbQJSvUiIKA

Original post as follows:

Guys, a very strange thing just happened to me.

I have had my F5 Sapphire for about 3 weeks. I wear it pretty much constantly. The only time I take it off is when I charge it, if i'm switching to a different color band, and sometimes I take it off before I shower.

I have experienced zero problems with burning/irritation...until today.

Here's what happened:

Normally when I take the watch off (if i'm remembering correctly) the green LEDs on the Optical HRM strobe several times and then they turn off.

This time, however, i noticed the green LEDs were just solid...not strobing like they usually do before shutting off. I thought that was strange...I turned the watch off and back on just to see if there was some weird glitch happening but that didn't seem to make any difference (at this point I still hadn't noticed the burn mark on my wrist).

Then I hopped in the shower and that's where I noticed the red spot on my wrist. And then it started itching like crazy.

I have read about skin irritation with these devices before related to people never taking them off, not keeping them clean, not drying off the wrist/watch after getting it wet and then wearing it wet for too long...etc.

But the seemingly strange behavior of the LEDs on the optical HRM that are accompanying the mark on my wrist makes me wonder if there is something else going on here.

Another weird thing:

The last 4 hours of heart rate data are now completely missing from the watch (see pic). I have had the watch off for maybe an hour at this point so the data should definitely be there. The data is still there in Garmin Connect but it has vanished from the watch. I can still see my steps and last activity details on the watch, but no heart rate history.

Is anyone else having issues today??

Please see the 5 photos attached

(and yes i shaved my wrist - I was tired of the watch band pulling my hair and I read that it can allow the optical HRM to work more accurately.) ciq.forums.garmin.com/.../1238312.jpg ciq.forums.garmin.com/.../1238313.jpg ciq.forums.garmin.com/.../1238314.jpg ciq.forums.garmin.com/.../1238315.jpg ciq.forums.garmin.com/.../1238316.jpg