It's not just poles. I was showing an astonishingly low HR of 100bpm while powerhiking without poles up 2,500' of vert. This is on a Forerunner 245.
Well, I understand your point but I specifically purchased this watch because of the wrist HR monitor. It’s not simply a little inaccurate, it’s so far off an accurate reading at times to be any use at…
I had the same issue yesterday with my Forerunner 245, without using poles. The hr reading was 80-100, despite feeling I was in the 140-150 range. Our pace was very slow climbing up, but also very wet…
Did you notice a difference? I'm encountering the same problem when using the HRM Pro chest strap in the first place. It's only when hiking using the hiking activity. I'll try choosing another activity type next time when hiking to see if it changes anything. I have the Fenix 5X+
So even when using the chest strap, you are still not getting accurate heart rate readings when going up steep slopes? I was thinking of getting the chest strap to alleviate this annoying problem on my 245.
Nope even with chest strap, when using "Hiking" activity. But when I use the trail run activity instead of "hiking" I seem to get the accurate readings using HRM Pro