Question for Fenix 5X Owners: Battery Life & Maps Usefulness

I'm trying to decide between the Fenix 5 and 5X. I've got the Fenix 5X on backorder.

I've got 3 questions for Fenix 5X owners:

1. How long is your Fenix 5X battery lasting per charge, and what's the duration of activities (GPS in regular mode, 1S recording, maybe even sensors attached) you can record before a charge?

2. Have you found maps feature on the 5X useful (i.e. used maps heavily for an activity)? If so, what activity?

3. How does heavy maps usage affect battery life?

Thank you!
  • Honestly I am not impressed (maybe somewhat disappointed) with both battery life and mapping features. Firstly, coming from the F3 where my battery was around 4-5% per 24 hours in watch mode with no GPS and around 6-7% per hour when gps was active. On my F5x so far I am seeing around 10% per 24 hours in watch mode and around 10% per hour in gps mode. That stinks compared to the f3 and seems much less that garmin advertised the 5x to be. Furthermore, on the f3 navigation or follow course was the best I have seen from garmin and it was stable and reliable (other taking a long time to load the course. I figured the mapping would enhance my navigation experience but instead it is frustrating the heck out of me and i hope that in time garmin will sort it out. For starters, if you choose follow map the watch can reroute you at will which seems to always mess up my planned route. If you choose follow course you don't get tbt popups which is crazy since I was getting them on the f3. Spoke to garmin about this and they say it shouldn't be and they will look into it. Today I tried to follow a simply 5K run course and the map messed up again (maybe because I had follow map again). The map also showed all these blue pins on the map (what the heck are those) and I couldn't even tell where I was since my location is blue arrow which was drowned by the blue pins. I have the map set to show "less" and show user location but I only have one user location saved.

    So, thus far I am not impressed and starting to regret selling my f3 to move in to the f5x and hoping that all this nonsense will be sorted out soon.

    One more minor item, it seem that if you want to delete a course from the watch, the only way to get to courses is to start an activity and drill down to courses. I think courses access should be made available from the main settings menu. Okay, enough venting for one day. :)

    Try disabling Glonass if it's on, it seems to decrease hourly consumption about %2. For daily consumption Garmin says up to 12 days, for Fenix 3 they said almost a month. Also some more consumption with leds blinking under the watch is normal. Battery is more powerful but consumption too.

    I did some activities using courses and it said me to turn right, left etc. But that was almost two months ago with a different firmware, I don't know with newer ones.
    How that blue pins come there? Did you used save location feature a lot, or by mistake?
    What I don't like is yesterday I'm riding in a dark forest at night. Near a track conjunction it says me to turn but I can't see which way to turn due to its turn alert page and I have to press down key to see the map again. Maybe they should visualise the conjunction better in the alert screen. Or anyway, not a big issue.
    Deleting courses is easy for me. Press start key and init the apps menu, go down to navigate and find Courses there. Then you can delete your courses there. Also under the same Navigate menu there are Saved Locations where you can delete those blue pins.
  • Also under the same Navigate menu there are Saved Locations where you can delete those blue pins.

    It aren't "saved locations". These are points of the course, which Fenix 5 X is showing as "via" when the course has not a lot of points.
    It is so when:
    * The course doesn't have many points (in my opinion fewer than 50-60 points)
    * Option: "use map" (not "follow course")
  • (in my opinion fewer than 50-60 points)

    Badly. :mad: Course 113 pt:

  • It aren't "saved locations". These are points of the course, which Fenix 5 X is showing as "via" when the course has not a lot of points.
    It is so when:
    * The course doesn't have many points (in my opinion fewer than 50-60 points)
    * Option: "use map" (not "follow course")

    How did you make the course? Looks like those are waypoints. I use garmin connect and I do not see those waypoints. I believe garmin connect is marking a course with track points.
  • Try disabling Glonass if it's on, it seems to decrease hourly consumption about %2. For daily consumption Garmin says up to 12 days, for Fenix 3 they said almost a month. Also some more consumption with leds blinking under the watch is normal. Battery is more powerful but consumption too.

    I did some activities using courses and it said me to turn right, left etc. But that was almost two months ago with a different firmware, I don't know with newer ones.
    How that blue pins come there? Did you used save location feature a lot, or by mistake?
    What I don't like is yesterday I'm riding in a dark forest at night. Near a track conjunction it says me to turn but I can't see which way to turn due to its turn alert page and I have to press down key to see the map again. Maybe they should visualise the conjunction better in the alert screen. Or anyway, not a big issue.
    Deleting courses is easy for me. Press start key and init the apps menu, go down to navigate and find Courses there. Then you can delete your courses there. Also under the same Navigate menu there are Saved Locations where you can delete those blue pins.

    I only have one saved location, i even deleted the preloaded garmin locations. The saved location is a flag icon, I had many with looked more like blue pins. Glonass is off for me. Can you check if TBT works for you with FOLLOW COURSE. I am running 4.1 and its not, I am pretty sure that the prior version also didnt have tbt during follow course.
  • It aren't "saved locations". These are points of the course, which Fenix 5 X is showing as "via" when the course has not a lot of points.
    It is so when:
    * The course doesn't have many points (in my opinion fewer than 50-60 points)
    * Option: "use map" (not "follow course")

    Yes thats what I had. And you are right, I had follow map instead of follow course because follow course doesn't provide tbt. Once they fix that bug I guess it should all be fine. I just hope they fix it quick.
  • I use garmin connect and I do not see those waypoints.

    At these conditions?
    It is so when:
    * The course doesn't have many points
    * Option: "use map" (not "follow course")

    I am not using GarminConnect for planning routes out.
    I am using Locus (android smartphone - outside) / BaseCamp (PC - at home) - always the same mistake if:
    * The course is short (not many points)
    * In the watch: routing: courses - use map
  • Tbt

    Honestly I am not impressed (maybe somewhat disappointed) with both battery life and mapping features. Firstly, coming from the F3 where my battery was around 4-5% per 24 hours in watch mode with no GPS and around 6-7% per hour when gps was active. On my F5x so far I am seeing around 10% per 24 hours in watch mode and around 10% per hour in gps mode. That stinks compared to the f3 and seems much less that garmin advertised the 5x to be. Furthermore, on the f3 navigation or follow course was the best I have seen from garmin and it was stable and reliable (other taking a long time to load the course. I figured the mapping would enhance my navigation experience but instead it is frustrating the heck out of me and i hope that in time garmin will sort it out. For starters, if you choose follow map the watch can reroute you at will which seems to always mess up my planned route. If you choose follow course you don't get tbt popups which is crazy since I was getting them on the f3. Spoke to garmin about this and they say it shouldn't be and they will look into it. Today I tried to follow a simply 5K run course and the map messed up again (maybe because I had follow map again). The map also showed all these blue pins on the map (what the heck are those) and I couldn't even tell where I was since my location is blue arrow which was drowned by the blue pins. I have the map set to show "less" and show user location but I only have one user location saved.

    So, thus far I am not impressed and starting to regret selling my f3 to move in to the f5x and hoping that all this nonsense will be sorted out soon.

    One more minor item, it seem that if you want to delete a course from the watch, the only way to get to courses is to start an activity and drill down to courses. I think courses access should be made available from the main settings menu. Okay, enough venting for one day. :)

    I used F3 for more than 2 years now, and I use the f3 navigation very often. I plan my course on, also include my own tbt notification (water, refresh station, top of the hill, turn warnings etc.). After export from the webpage to TCX I use the TCXtoFIT converter from Runningbadger to convert the TCX to FIT file. This FIT I put to the Newfiles folder on the watch. And everything is working fantastic. I have a question, if you create such FIT file and upload it to the F5x, are the tbt notification working in case you select Follow the course?

    Thank you for your answer.