Maps Not Displayed

Hi all-hoping I'm missing something super obvious-


I downloaded a topo map onto my device by transferring the .img file to the Garmin folder.  

I also updated the basemap through Garmin Express and it appears that file went into the 'Ext Data' folder.  


When I go to the watch (Fenix 5x Plus) however, the base map does not appear as a selection.  The Topo Map is the only available selection but it is under a different name (the name is the original file name-not the renamed file name I transferred the file with which i thought was odd).  

I'm working on a Mac with the Android File Transfer Service interface.  

I've also tried moving the .img file created by Express from the Ext Data folder to the Garmin parent folder-still didn't show up as an option or display on the maps.   

Lastly i downloaded an OSM basemap and transferred as a .img file to the Garmin folder and it's also not viewable under 'configure maps.'  

BL Questions:

1. How do i get my basemap to appear?

2. How do i get my transferred maps to appear as selectable map layers under 'configure maps'?  

Thanks in advance for the time!
