I keep getting a message from my Fenix 5+ when turning it on/unplugging from charging, or going to do an activity that it's connected to External HRM. I don't have a sensor by that name, and when I check the one external HRM I have setup (the Garmin HRM Run strap), it shows that it's disconnected. It also is happening when I'm in my driveway, far away from my external HR straps, so there's no way it can access their signal, even if they were broadcasting (which they shouldn't be since I keep them off their straps).
I've basically ignored it, but today it also warned me that the battery was low in the device. I have no idea what's happening, but thought I'd post it here to see if anyone has any helpful advice.
I think I'll delete the pairing with my HRM Run strap and see if that helps.
Anyone seen this before?