Altimeter - Calibrate 'Not During Activity' not working?

This used to work like clockwork on a night and my altimeter would consistently read 15m on waking.

It has not worked for the last few months other than one night when I installed the 7.55 beta but that only worked once (Tried a Honor 8X and Galaxy Note 9 with no luck).

Is anyone else getting a calibrated altimeter during sleep?

  • My nightly auto calibration has stopped working too. I am not exactly sure when it happened. 'Not during activity' is still enabled.

    Notifications and syncing to my phone (iphone 7) works fine. Location Services is enabled for the Garmin Connect app. I am running firmware 7.60.

  • I think my altimeter started being off since 7.10 and now requires daily manual GPS calibration in order it to show any reasonable altitudes. It used to work and I never needed to calibrate it 

    It now constantly shows negative altitudes (although I guess there shouldn't be any in Finland) or something between 0 and 50 where the correct range would be 100 to 150 meters.

    I use the auto calibration and view the current reading in watch face. The reading does change during night usually going down roughly by 50 meters (when shouldn't). I have seen it also changing up and down by around 30 meters during 4am to 6am. So something does happen but the thing is just unreliable at the moment 

    Now I am using 7.60 and the problem was also present in 7.53 beta and 7.10. Connection to GC is also works and location services are enabled.

  • Btw I use an iphone7 running always on the latest sw. No jailbreak and that sort of.

    Maybe the type of phone OS is the common among us.

  • It worked tonight.

    I made a new test and had enabled everything in the special sub menu of location services like "sharing our location" (locator) and like everything in "system services" (homekit, device mgmt etc). Maybe naming of these sub menus is not perfect, I simply translated these terms using some mirror translation from my own language.

    So if you have an IPhone running on the latest software, go for privacy/location services and DO enable everything which is related NOT JUST to GC, but which are system-like permissions.

    Finally I disabled the "display switch-off" for this night. Maybe it has nothing to do with, I will test it separately enabling the auto switch-off after 1 min.  

     The good news is that the whole problem is setting related and not watch related. Certainly I have no info about the other type of phones.

    BTW for me the auto cal happened exactly 4 hours before the end of my sleeping time window. Can be a coincidence, of course.

  • 2nd night: the display was not let stay on during the whole night. Auto Cal did not happen.