How to show direction of course on map screen during activity

I ride a lot of mountain biking trails which cross over parts of the same course - for example if riding a figure of eight loop on unmarked trails in a forest trail network. A big problem I have noticed is that if using the Map view when following a Course during an Activity, the screen only shows the course as a solid line with no directional information, i.e. there are no "course arrows" showing which way to go. So, if you are approaching a point where the course crosses over another part of the course from earlier or later in the ride, as far as I can tell you don't know which of the 3 possible directions to take from the information shown by default on the map screen. It would be really helpful if the map screen showed the direction of the course - e.g. by showing a couple of arrows along the line of the course.

Am I missing something, or is there a way of turning on this information from the settings menu? If not, can this be a feature request for a future update of the software?