Loose charger cable connection?

Former Member
Former Member
I have owned my 5+ for about 1.5 months now and initially the charging cable/watch connection was rock solid. However, over time it has started to become flaky, such I need to search for the right way to lay the watch to maintain the charging connection (and not touch/disturb it). Based on forum searches, it seems like this plagued the original 5 series a year or so back, but the reported instances dropped off. Does anyone else suffer from this issue? If so, it is usually a cable issue, watch issue or something with the watch connection points that need to be cleaned? I'll follow up with Garmin support on Monday, but thought I would check with the forum in the meantime.
  • I recently experienced this problem on mine and it appears to be a problem with the factory cable as I tried another cable from a relative's unit and it works well.

    I'm going to contact support and have them send a new cable.
  • I spent 30-40 minutes total over the past few days trying to find "just the right position" to charge the watch. I have to do this stupid pull out slightly, push towards one edge, and maybe that will work and maybe it won't, and when it works it might stop charging two seconds later.

    This is just completely ridiculous, worse actually but being a family forum I won't go further.

    I just ordered a new cable for $30. If that doesn't work, then it's the watch-side connector that is faulty.

    I am completely miffed.

    Fenix 5S Plus
  • The connection problem doesn't lie with the connecting cable alone, nor the watch alone. *Both* have a problem.

    I received the new cable. Observations:

    The "make/break" connection problem is …
    1) *Improved* using the new cable.This suggests that the problem was due at least in part to the "old" cable (keeping in mind it's not that old, I just bought it less than a year ago).
    2) *Still present* using the new cable. Yes, I still have to turn it this way and that to make it connect, and sometimes it will only connect for a moment and then disconnect … all this less than when using the old cable, but still present. This suggests that the problem lies at least in part with the watch itself, since the new cable didn't make everything work as it should.

    So … I should ask for a replacement watch?

    Is there a warranty on the Fenix 5S Plus, does anyone know?
  • yes, generally Garmin has a warranty on all of their devices. They are also well know for having excellent customer service. I would suggest contacting customer support and telling them what is happening.
  • This! Small pliers worked. Thank you

  • I had the same issue with having to position the watch just so so it would charge. Garmin did send me a new watch with all the accessories but I had to pay the shipping back for the defective item (which I'm not too thrilled about). But this new watch and new cable seem to be working fine.. I did try the charging cable from the first watch and had to position the new watch just so also. Now wondering if that was the issue all along..

  • How did you get Garmin to exchange the watch? I got an official negative response...

  • Sorry just saw this...  It was the contact of the watch that caused the bad connection. Also it was still brand new not even 30 days old.. 

  • No worries, thanks! Mine is a year old, but it is still annoying to clean it before every charge.

  • Same here. I have the Fenix 5 Plus Sapphire since four months. In the beginning: all good. Connect the cable to a USB-charger, charging starts solidly and is not interrupted. Now since a week, I need to move the watch until it starts charging and then never touch it again.The cable is a bit loose, but not detaching from the watch.

    Very disappointing for a +700 EUR watch. :-(