Stryd footpod - accuracy and calibration

Hi all,
I've been reading various sources on accuracy of the Stryd footpod, and the opinion seems to be unanimous that it's the closest thing to perfection there is - even without any calibration.

Since I often run under difficult GPS conditions I purchased the Stryd mainly to get better instant pace, but of course better distance accuracy is always welcome.
After a few weeks running with the Stryd I see that my known routes (5-12 km) ends up consistently 3-4% shorter with the Stryd than before when I was using the F5+ GPS as source for dist/pace. When I calculate pace from total distance and total time I get a pace that matches the recorded average pace, so I guess that means that if distance from Stryd is wrong so is pace. (or vice versa) And yes; the Stryd is set to always for both distance and speed, auto calibration off, calibration factor 100.

I've measured the routes on Google Maps - and yes I know it's probably not the best source in this matter - however it matches the distances recorded by multiple GPS runs quite good, and much much closer than the uncalibrated Stryd.

Have any of you experienced anything similar?
  • Join the club SAHO, i had my stryd calibrated too. Stryd claimed that it is accurate out of the box and need not to be calibrated. Indeed, looks like you need.

    I have to set the calibration factor to 105.7 to get EXACT real distance.

    Comparing with the GPS distance wont be that accurate i think, unless you have a measuring wheel to measure the real distance which i did before.

  • Hi how can i calibrate my stryd? some runs i get longer distance/faster pace than someone running next to me (same distance and pace) and sometimes it records me less? shorter distance/slower pace. the difference in pace is like 15seconds faster or slower… am opting to leave my stryd food pod off lately because i am not trusting it. Any suggestion? thanks kindly


  • Yes, same problem same watch. Styrd unit even seems to make it worse.

  • You are commenting on a three year old tread - You shoud create a new one instead. Having said that, I am pretty sure that stryd does not make it worse. 

    Previous commenters says that others running next to them get other paces and distances.. I would almost bet that they where wrong and not the stryd runner.