Incorrect optical heart rate at start of activity

Anyone have any tips for an incorrect OHR measurement for the first few minutes of an activity? I know the straps often give a false high reading for the first few minutes, but I was surprised to see the optical one do that to. I’m getting readings that’s are 25-50 bpm too high for about the first 5 minutes of my run. It’s been crazy hot here the last couple weeks (watch is less than 2 weeks old) and also very humid out. I haven’t read any complaints like what I’m experiencing so I wonder if maybe there’s a weather or humidity effect before it can get an accurate read. It does seem fine once it gets properly locked in.
  • I know the straps often give a false high reading for the first few minutes,

    Straps don't read incorrectly at the start of a run if they are thoroughly wetted before being put on.

    OHR is easily affected by many things so what you are experiencing is not uncommon. Be thankful it's only 25-50. I've had mine start out (FR935) reading close to 200 before now when I was trying out OHR. I 'corrected' it by removing and replacing the watch on my wrist.
  • Thanks Philip. I guess that’s just the way it is then. As for the straps I’ve tried wetting with water, a quick lick, I’ve bought gels - still happens often. I’m in Toronto so our weather runs the gamut and I think sometimes the weather messes with things to till I’m warmed up. Once I’m really warmed up, if it’s a super long run or hard tempo, that messes with the straps to.

    Anyways - I really like the technology and it typically works for the key parts of my workouts, warm up isn’t that important for me to get an accurate read every single time.
  • Not convinced the weather has much to do with this, particularly if the problems you are experiencing are primarily at the start. I've been using HR straps from the early hard plastic ones to the most recent soft-straps in all sorts of temperatures and humidities around the word with few problems in events from Ironman triathlons to ultra-marathon runs.

    It's important to maintain the straps according to the care instructions on the strap - rinse well after use, and wash in light detergent every 7 uses. There have been numerous posts about straps in the past and often it has come down to people being unaware of the care instructions. I can't think of much worse than putting on a strap that has been allowed to accumulate all sorts of grot and corruption. I rinse mine in the shower after every use and air dry.

    The other key element is making sure that it is thoroughly wetted before putting on. Because I'm a softy, I wet mine in warm water, but cold will work just as well but not as pleasant to put on! And I mean wet - hold it under the tap then squeeze of the excess.

    Sadly OHR has too many limitations to be a viable replacement for a strap.
  • I also used HR belts 15+ years and I had the same problems as vanhalen26. I could do whatever I want (water, gel etc.) and I encountered pretty much the same problems as vanhalen26. I used many different manufacturers over time, so I just don't seem to be compatible with them :-) Although I have to say that those old plastic straps worked better for me. The first textile Polar straps where horrible for me (mostly unusable).
    The current HRM straps from Garmin are ok as long as it's not cold outside. I know people have good reasons to call OHR unreliable but for me it just works better (well at least the Polar and Garmin ones, Suunto's Valencell just doesn't work at all for me)
    But I don't use HR to control my training anyway, it's more of a check to stay below some threshold at hills or the first 1/3 of my run.