Hate this feature...kept going into rest too often, in the middle of a workout. Now what is a 9 set workout shows 38 sets!
Both A) when I push the handle forward-upward sitting, and also B) when I lean backward on another equipment there are either breaks resulting in rest or some of the movement is too short to be recognized.
False breaks are more common during B), while not counting properly is more common during A).
Pulling down a handle above your head until your *** or shoulder, or pulling backward a handle horizontally (like in case of rowing) are calculated properly. Always. I never saw a single miss at all during these exercises.
And certainly there are those when your watch has no chance to count anything like lifting your legs while you are hanging resting your lower arms on some pads horizontally and grabbing a knob or whatever it is called in English.
Or when you rotate your body horizontally while sitting on a sort of chair.
I concluded that while rep counting is a nice feature I use Strength only measuring the total elapsed time in the gym and the calories burnt. And since WHR or lets call it OHR is not reliable at all, therefore calories are not accurate either, then the whole recording is about when I visited your gym and how much time I was there excluding the technical breaks :-). If you wish to record your net time, which says nothing btw, because leaning backward can be done for minutes and minutes, while pulling down a handle cannot, the you can use the manual start and stop.