Pulse Ox widget missing - first 5X Plus issue?

Picked up my 5X Plus today and have been playing around with it. The pulse ox widget was displaying and working properly when I first got it. After connecting to Garmin Express, it downloaded new firmware (3.10) and since then I no longer see the pulse ox widget or any related data available on the watch. Unless of course I'm just missing it somewhere, but it looks like it's just gone right now.
  • I believe that the requirement for a recent GPS fix is because the widget correlates the reading with altitude.
  • Perhaps by design because it needs elevation data from the GPS to calculate pulse ox? However, you’d think it would just use whatever the last elevation value was. Would be interesting to know how recent the last GPS connection needs to be before the pulse ox widget disappears.

    I use pulse Oximetry daily as an Intensive Care Paramedic. It doesn't need elevation data.
  • I use pulse Oximetry daily as an Intensive Care Paramedic. It doesn't need elevation data.

    The first version of the 5x+ firmware didn't, either. As has been stated, it's not about NEEDING elevation data, it's about the fact that they changed the display and the graph uses it and doesn't know what to do until you get GPS data once. Hopefully they "fix" that in a future release to just ignore the graph until you have GPS data or something, but it's probably no big deal since anyone who buys the watch is going to use GPS fairly soon with it.

  • I use pulse Oximetry daily as an Intensive Care Paramedic. It doesn't need elevation data.

    as mentioned earlier, it is likely a visualization problem as the widget is designed to show SpO2 over altitude. It is not designed to show only SpO2. As such it likely needs an altitude fix to visualize the graph. I suspect Garmin should also enable a simple SpO2 graph over time.

    I doubt altitude has anything to do with the calculation, only the displaying of the data.
  • as mentioned earlier, it is likely a visualization problem as the widget is designed to show SpO2 over altitude. It is not designed to show only SpO2. As such it likely needs an altitude fix to visualize the graph. I suspect Garmin should also enable a simple SpO2 graph over time.

    I doubt altitude has anything to do with the calculation, only the displaying of the data.

    I get that, but it still makes no sense to "require" a GPS fix as there is a barometric altimeter which measures elevation. For example, I got my "GPS fix" 2 days ago and the weather has changed a lot since then, requiring me to recalibrate the altimeter to a known value. What is it about that requirement for a GPS fix 2 days ago that is a dependency of the PulseOx working today? That GPS elevation reading is only valid for the minute it was taken and is going to potentially be wrong for all subsequent readings where a GPS fix isn't required.
  • same issue - try it also with an activity with GPS..
  • Do you mean pulsox works only when you outside with GPS?
    so if you will use watch only at home so it will be never measure?
  • Do you mean pulsox works only when you outside with GPS?
    so if you will use watch only at home so it will be never measure?

    No, you just need an arbitrary GPS fix at some point "recently".
  • Came here to find out why my oximeter widget suddenly disappeared. I'm thinking this will stump a lot of people and result in lots of calls to tech support. I'd fix this silly "by design" "feature" asap, Garmin, since it makes little sense. run the widget off the barometric altimeter if you need to; don't just make the app disappear. bone-headed design and coding
  • Yep, this is quite counterintuitive. Hope it's just a software issue, not smth more serious/sensor related.