Can't install 26.00 - Enduro (Resolved)

Had my enduro v1 since first came out.

Every year or so I have had problems with "running out of room" errors, I synch basically every day via the iphone app.

Now, I can't do an update from software v25.10 to 26.00 it tries and just silently fails on the watch. Using Garmin Express app on MacBook i get the error "We're unable to install the updates. The latest software does not fit on your device's internal memory. Please contact Product Support for help with updating your software."

I done a "Delete all activites." there is now NO activities in my GARMIN > Activity folder.

Garmin Express mac app shows 8 of 32 Connect IQ APps installed. 3.0MB capacity, 2.6MB Free.

Mac Info shows garmin drive has 49.3 MB Capacity, 2.8MB free.

I've been through all the folders, removed languages, activites, etc. there is nothing left unusual.

What can I do?


  • I am sorry you have the issue. Only 2.8MB free is definitely not going to be enough space for the software update.

    Your best option is to free up space by deleting the content of your Text folder through your computer. It will be found within your Garmin folder.

    Please note: keep any languages that you 'might' use later on your watch. Otherwise, English itself cannot be deleted off your watch no matter what you delete in the Text folder. You should now have enough space to get the v26.00 software update installed.

    You mentioned using a Mac. Be sure to empty your trash before you remove your watch off your Mac.

    If you continue to have an issue, I will be happy to assist further. Please highlight my name and send me a Private Message. I will message you back as soon as possible.

    Otherwise, you are welcome to reach out and speak with our email Outdoor Product Support in your country.

  • Even though I've been deleting files and activities off my device for a while, apparently I didn't "empty bin" on the Mac WITH THE DEVICE CONNECTED. As soon as I plugged it back in and did that, it actually removed the files and I got 43MB of space, and now the update has worked.