Hello everyone.
Iam a commercial diver that like taking my watch on my dives in gauge mode to keep track of my working time.
Ive recommended this watch to many of my coworkers, because the advantages of the gauge mode on my line of work
So it has always worked fine in the water and decompression chamber. Ive used it since more than a year now not only as gauge mode but spear hunt, workouts, sailing, paragliding, gps marks and so on.
Recently i took it to its first saturation dive (10/90 O²He breathing and in the system) and i didn't have the chance to change it to gauge mode but somehow it started counting the depth and time by it self but on a different way not like the gauge mode options that have 3 screens, it only gave me the one screen..,.,So the dive was already going and i couldn't change the options, so anyway the watch kept on working on for 15 min aprox and then went off. I remember it had at least 80% battery before the dive started.
And since then it hasn't start again. The max depth I've reached was 86m so iam still on the safe zone, i tried to connect to the computer, charger, tried light bottom and start bottons at the same time fo 15 secs, nothing is working!!!
Any suggestions? Warranty? Or is it totally trashed