Did anyone else get asked to do the Garmin Gear Survey?

I got asked to do a survey by Garmin about gear that I use on my dives.

The survey seemed very trivial and I have to wonder how much value they will get from it.

Basically it asked:

  • What type of dives you do (Single/Multiple Gas; Apnea; Gauge; CCR)
  • For each of those dives to select which gear you use
  • And then this question which I still don't understand:

I was tempted to list "Tank" as #1 and "Regulators" as #15.

  • Well, a friend of mine who worked in Nicaragua told me the local divers collecting shells often dive with tanks without regulators, just using some container to fill it with air and breathing from it (like a mini kesson). On the other hand, I doubt they use Garmin MK1's

  • yep i really struggled with this one...not sure how mask is less frequent than tank for example. and the whole list rearranging seems kind of pointless exercise, the basic stuff should not be there, only the extras in my opinion.

  • not sure how mask is less frequent than tank for example

    That can happen easily. Since I am a freediver and a scuba diver too, I use a mask much more often than tanks. And since I do often also DNF (Dynamic No Fins) and CNF (Constant weight No Fns) disciplines, the usage of the mask is also more frequent than the usage of fins. And since I do competitions without any mask at all, the weight (more specifically the neck weight) may be finally the most used gear.

  • well this way of reasoning we can get to the myriad of parallel universes and  things can get even crazier, however the question is related specifically to single/multiple gas dive type, how it can be performed without either the tank or the mask or the fins is up to the wildest imagination...and lets see how you do it with neck weights

  • is related specifically to single/multiple gas dive type

    ah, ok, I did not notice that.